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Integrate your help desk with the remote access service TeamViewer.
Give your team the ability to create TeamViewer sessions while working on a ticket. We have created the TeamViewer integration to provide a way for teams to seamlessly collaborate from within the help desk.
Our TeamViewer integration allows you to:
- Create a TeamViewer session while working on a ticket
- Easily copy links for active sessions to share them with your users
Companies House
Companies House is the executive agency of the British Government that maintains the register of companies.

Database Authentication
Use your own intranet database or existing web service as a source of credentials to log in to Deskpro.
Write private notes, which are saved directly to the interface, and accessible anytime with Deskpro's Scratchpad app.

Simplify your sales and support with Deskpro's Shopify integration; one platform to create, manage and run your ecommerce business.