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NOMS Healthcare support physician's across Ohio with ease

NOMS Healthcare use Deskpro as a means of providing IT and technical support to the employees that work in the medical practices that they partner with.

The Challenge

Northern Ohio Medical Specialists Healthcare is a collaborative, multi-specialist healthcare company founded in 2001, based in Sandusky, Ohio. They provide non-medical support to physicians who operate independent practices to allow them to focus on the practice of medicine and help them to provide exceptional patient experiences.

Brandon Skinner, Help Desk Manager, explains that NOMS began looking for a new help desk solution two years ago after its previous system, a free version of Spiceworks, failed to meet expectations.

The Solution

Currently, the IT Team at NOMS is using Deskpro to provide technical support for the practices it supports, “our IT team uses Deskpro as a help desk where the employees at the doctor’s offices can submit tickets for IT-related issues for us to resolve.” The team’s primary uses of Deskpro are ticketing and voice, but they also have live chat set up on the help desk. “We started using voice calling about six months ago, and we use that pretty heavily.”

If I was running my own business and needed to set up a help desk I would consider Deskpro.
Brandon Skinner Help Desk Manager

The Benefits

Brandon explains that Deskpro’s Help Center is useful for setting up voice and managing the help desk, “voice was pretty simple to get set up the support articles were really easy to follow, telling us exactly what we needed to do.”

He finds that the self-serve aspect of Deskpro's knowledge base benefits his own use of the help desk.

“I think Deskpro’s knowledge base and resources are pretty good. If you’re quite self-sufficient, you can figure out how to set up a decent help desk solution with what Deskpro offers.”

Another thing Brandon appreciates is Deskpro’s support team. He finds that in the case of needing to raise a ticket, “The support team are helpful and good at getting things resolved.”

The Future

Brandon and the team at NOMS are looking forward to migrating to Deskpro Horizon as they will benefit from the upgraded interface and want to be operating the most up-to-date version of their help desk.