data[] |
array of objects (Person) |
data[][id] |
integer |
The unique ID of person. |
data[][primary_email] |
string representation (PersonEmail) |
Emails belong to user. |
data[][first_name] |
string |
The users name (best guess from other sources etc). |
data[][last_name] |
string |
The users name (best guess from other sources etc). |
data[][title_prefix] |
string |
The users title. |
data[][name] |
string |
The users name (best guess from other sources etc). |
data[][display_name] |
string |
Person name. |
data[][is_agent] |
boolean |
True if person is agent. |
data[][avatar] |
object (Avatar) |
Person`s avatar. |
data[][avatar][default_url_pattern] |
string |
Default pattern used if there is no custom one. |
data[][avatar][url_pattern] |
string |
Url pattern for avatar gathering. |
data[][avatar][base_gravatar_url] |
string |
Url to gravatar. |
data[][online] |
boolean |
Is user online? |
data[][online_for_chat] |
boolean |
Is user online for chat? |
data[][last_seen] |
DateTime |
Date when user was last seen online. |
data[][agent_data] |
object (AgentData) |
Agent data. |
data[][agent_data][extension_number] |
integer |
data[][agent_data][available_status] |
string |
data[][agent_data][agent_calls_enabled] |
boolean |
data[][agent_data][agent_chat_enabled] |
boolean |
data[][agent_data][agent_can_use_forwarding] |
boolean |
data[][agent_data][forwarding_number] |
string |
data[][agent_data][forwarding_ring_timeout] |
integer |
data[][agent_data][forwarding_number_type] |
string |
data[][agent_data][forwarding_logged_out] |
boolean |
data[][agent_data][work_status_enabled] |
boolean |
data[][agent_data][work_status_managed_after] |
DateTime |
data[][agent_data][login_status] |
string |
data[][was_agent] |
boolean |
Was this person an agent? |
data[][can_agent] |
boolean |
Is person allowed to use agent interface. |
data[][can_admin] |
boolean |
Is person allowed to use admin interface. |
data[][can_billing] |
boolean |
Is person allowed to use billing interface. |
data[][can_reports] |
boolean |
Is person allowed to use reports interface. |
data[][picture_blob] |
integer id (Blob) |
The user`s profile picture. |
data[][disable_picture] |
boolean |
True if user`s picture disabled. |
data[][gravatar_url] |
string |
The URL to the users gravatar if any. |
data[][is_contact] |
boolean |
Is this person a contact? |
data[][disable_autoresponses] |
boolean |
Are autoresponses disabled? |
data[][disable_autoresponses_log] |
string |
Disabled autoresponses log. |
data[][is_confirmed] |
boolean |
Has person confirmed their email? |
data[][is_deleted] |
boolean |
Is the user deleted? |
data[][is_disabled] |
boolean |
Is the user disabled? |
data[][creation_system] |
string |
The way person was created. |
data[][override_display_name] |
string |
Overrides the display name of an person in the user interface (agents only). |
data[][display_contact] |
string |
Person name and email address. |
data[][summary] |
string |
The summary field as filled in by agents. |
data[][language] |
integer id (Language) |
Default person`s language. |
data[][organization] |
integer id (Organization) |
The person`s organization. |
data[][organization_members][] |
array of integer ids (OrganizationMember) |
Organizations the person is member of. |
data[][organization_position] |
string |
The persons position at the organization. |
data[][organization_manager] |
boolean |
True if the person is a manager of their organization. |
data[][timezone] |
string |
The timezone associated with this user. |
data[][date_created] |
DateTime |
The date the user was inserted into the system. |
data[][date_last_login] |
DateTime |
The date the user was logged in last time. |
data[][browser] |
string |
The browser person was used last time. |
data[][all_user_groups][] |
array of integer ids (Usergroup) |
Usergroups the user belongs to including through connections like org groups. |
data[][user_groups][] |
array of integer ids (Usergroup) |
Usergroups the user belongs to. |
data[][agent_groups][] |
array of integer ids (Usergroup) |
Usergroups the user belongs to. |
data[][labels][] |
array of objects (label) |
Labels associated with this user. |
data[][emails][] |
array of string representations (PersonEmail) |
Emails belong to user. |
data[][phone_numbers][] |
array of objects (PersonPhoneNumber) |
Phone numbers belong to user. |
data[][phone_numbers][][number] |
string |
The number, stored in E.164 string format, ie. +19021111111. |
data[][phone_numbers][][label] |
string |
A human-defined (optional) label to describe what this phone number is. |
data[][phone_numbers][][extension] |
string |
An extension for the number - optional. |
data[][phone_numbers][][person] |
integer id (Person) |
data[][tickets_count] |
integer |
Overall tickets count assigned to user. |
data[][chats_count] |
integer |
Overall count of chats user participating. |
data[][fields][] |
dynamically declared custom fields (person) |
Custom persons data. |
data[][contextual_options] |
custom handler result for (contextual_options) |
Contextual person options. |
data[][contact_data] |
array |
Contacts for this user. |
data[][teams][] |
array of integer ids (AgentTeam) |
Agent teams. |
data[][primary_team] |
integer id (AgentTeam) |
Primary agent team. |
data[][brands][] |
array of integer ids (Brand) |
Brands. |
data[][preferences] |
array |
Prefs. |